Shooting Arrows

arrow collage600A couple of weeks ago, I spent a few days concentrating on one thing (photography-wise, anyway), and that was seeing arrows.  I find that making an effort to see something specific makes it stand out all the more to me, grabs my attention more readily.  The fun, then, comes in finding an interesting way to photography that one thing.  So here is my quick, collective take on arrows.  What simple thing around you tickles your fancy?

5 on 5: April 2016


Some variety for April.  We started the month in Colorado, where the scenery is beautiful and abundant.  I ended this month both taking some shots of my boys and getting in the frame with them.  Keep following the circle by checking out  Stephanie Gough and what she has been up to.

5 on 5: March Edition

untitled-6954-Edituntitled-6934-Edituntitled-7718-Edituntitled-8132untitled-Another 31 days have passed, and here we are again with our favorite five shots from the month of March.  I decided to dedicate this post to my daughter, whose birthday falls in March.  I took a number of shots inspired by a t-shirt she has, with the word “Bloom” on it.  Of course, she is the ultimate inspiration.

Now you can  follow the blog circle to see what the rest of our group of fabulous photogs have been up to.  Here is Gigi Thibodeau.

5 On 5: February 2016


Lines are everywhere and they are my favorite element to include in an image.  Without even trying, it ends up being the connection between all of these photos.

Keep on following the blog circle!  Next up is Gigi Thibodeau.


Blog Circle: 5 on 5

untitled-2273untitled-2329untitled-2519untitled-2635untitled-3039I just joined this blog circle, consisting of a small group of photographers who have agreed to share, each month, their five personal favorite images for the month.  Here are mine.  From white snow to white skies to white ice, and finally to white sands, I found lots of shades of white this month, and with people enjoying them to their fullest!   You can see Charlotte Mandrier’s 5 on 5 here.  Then keep following the blog circle via the links to see all kinds of talent from all kinds of places.

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