When you have a gift, it is natural to want to share it with others. Tim has made a career of helping others with their careers and recently made the leap from being employed by other organizations to starting his own business. His years of experience in career consulting combined with his friendly personality, tenacious attitude, and personal attention to individual clients make him an ideal choice for those who need help with their resumes, references, and getting their name out there. He helps people who are starting their careers in finding a job that suits them well, and also those who have a career but are perhaps looking to take it in another direction–or maybe do something different altogether.
As I photographed Tim, my goal was to capture his professionalism, but also his easygoing nature. He is an avid runner (having completed 33 marathons and countless other road races) and Cubs fan. Tim serves his clients by providing tools that enable them to enter careers in which they can thrive. But potential clients can be assured that they are not simply numbers in a queue. All are appreciated for their distinct combinations of talents, character traits, and goals. After all, finding the right career is intimately linked with individuals’ personalities, outside interests, and life circumstances. Additionally, you can rest assured that all client interactions are treated in a confidential manner.
If you’d like to learn more about Tim Ryan and his consulting business, you may visit his website: https://www.ryancareerconsulting.com.
Anne Marie Messmer - The silhouettes at the end is absolutely amazing! I love that you blog about each shoot. It deepens the stories told by the moments caught on camera.
Jennifer Brake - Thank you! If only I could keep up with the blogging. Every family has their own stories to tell, right?