Imagine how you feel when you finish a workout. Are you glistening with sweat? Do you feel strong? Exhausted? Accomplished? Ready to tackle the next big thing? Do you revel in the soreness of your muscles? Are you motivated to go again?
Do you ever wish you could hold on to that post-exercise high?
Keep That Feeling Alive!
Fitness is a way of life. It is an investment in our body, our health, ourselves.
Fitness photography celebrates the hard work and self-improvement efforts that leave us breathless. And it depicts the energy of the human form. It is for athletes of all levels of training and abilities–anyone who wants to acknowledge and honor their health and their love for athletic endeavors.
The physical benefits of exercise are well-known, but don’t discount the mental and spiritual gains that accompany workout routines. All of it keeps us moving. Even as stay-at-home orders have closed the gyms and sports arenas in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the virtual exercise classes, skills sessions, and online workouts are everywhere. The fitness community continues to come together even at a distance.
Energies of Fitness Photography
Fitness is loving yourself by caring for your body–no matter your age. And fitness photography is a way of expressing pride in those efforts.
Fitness is a home away from home. It’s that studio, space, field, gym, court, route, or rink that you know like the back of your hand. Fitness photography immortalizes your special place as you know and love it.
And it memorializes the practice hours, conditioning, strength training, and teamwork you put into the sports you love the most.
Fitness photography is full of energy. Your energy.
That energy can be powerful.
It can be graceful.
It can be tough.
The energy can be quiet or it can be loud. Either way, it motivates the people around you and then cycles back to motivate you all over again. It celebrates the dynamic human form and personal accomplishments.
No matter how you describe it, the energy inspires. It is contagious.
Are you proud of the ways you’ve incorporated physical fitness into your life? I’d love to hear about what you have done to care for yourself–especially in the time of the pandemic. What motivates you? What have you accomplished that gives you a deep sense of satisfaction? Drop me a line and let me know!