Matthew’s Motivation

Motivation can be elusive at times. We all have occasions when we simply cannot find the energy, the will, or the strength to do the next thing. At the same time, we all have moments when some surge of energy pushes us to go beyond.

And then we hear about people who inspire us with their ability to call up more and more motivation as they are repeatedly asked to overcome increasingly greater feats. More motivation than they think they have.

Matthew was the victim of a freakish medical event as a teenager–an event that nearly took his life. During his photo session, we had an opportunity to talk about what he experienced after surviving the incident. His condition was so severe that doctors warned Matthew’s parents, and eventually Matthew, about how his life was expected to go after that–first in the immediate future and then in the future he might not have. And then he described to me what happened instead.

His story is not mine to tell, but it is one worth knowing. It is an account of a miracle and a will to live and thrive. The narrative starts with this sudden injury and a fight to stay alive. Once stabilized, Matthew dealt with severe disabilities, working diligently to overcome them. His recovery was arduous, but in short order he caught up, graduated from high school and college, and started a career at which he excels. He knows all about finding motivation to overcome the numerous obstacles that have been placed in his path. This article gives more information about Matthew’s journey. It also reveals Matthew’s motivation to help others and hints at his sense of humor.

Matthew aspires to do more still. He strives to help others through motivational speaking and is working on a book as well. Stay tuned to learn more about Matthew and how he conquers the world.

Personal branding photograph of a young professional who hopes to inspire motivation in others by relating his own story of overcoming the odds.
Personal branding photograph of a public speaker who knows motivation inside and out.
Personal branding photograph of a young man who sits up straight and engages with his audience.
Personal branding head shot of a young professional man who adjusts his tie as he smiles with his audience.
Personal branding photograph of an accountant who smiles as he engages with his audience. HIs personal story is one of motivation to overcome the most challenging of situations.
Edgy black and white photograph of a professional during his headshot session.
Edgy personal branding photograph of a professional during his headshot session.
A more casual look for a professional branding session for this young professional and aspiring motivational speaker and author.
A more casual look in monochrome for a professional branding session for this young professional and aspiring motivational speaker and author.

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