Understated. It means saying a lot without being too loud or in your face. And it describes Pete and his senior session precisely.
Pete is a man of few words, but he did not have to talk a lot in order for his personality to shine. I get the impression that there isn’t much that flusters him. He is friendly, but has a somewhat serious demeanor. He didn’t put on any airs and in the end his photos, without much effort at all, spoke volumes about his underlying disposition.
Pete’s senior year ended last spring and now he’s off to college. He’s majoring in aviation, with flying lessons and a few solo flights already under his belt. He worked a part-time job while in school so that he could pursue this dream. Additionally, he was a part of a very successful hockey team that earned a spot in the high school national tournament. And on top of it all, his coaches (not surprisingly) honored him with the character award at the end of the season.
Understated confidence, character, work ethic, and a calm demeanor. Any future pilot would want to claim these attributes. But the truth is that these same qualities will propel him forward in all aspects of life. Pete will ultimately find that he can succeed at anything he decides to pursue. And it’s hard to imagine that he won’t.